Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A couple books I've read

Lately I've been really into reading, I read 2 books last month.

The first being Waiting for her Isaac (click for a brief description), I really enjoyed it...seeings as I read through it in about a week. Although I did enjoy reading it, I didn't enjoy that book as much as the second one. =)

The Second:

I loved this book! =) It's a bit bigger of a book but I read it within a couple weeks, and I absolutely loved it!
For those of you who are wondering, this book is about mice.

The Author: Brian Jacques (pronounced Jakes)

When Redwall Abbey is attacked by a rat known as Cluny the Scourge, the Redwallers rise up in defense, and a young mouse known as Matthias embarks on a quest to recover the legendary sword of Martin the Warrior. ~ Plot introduction - Wikipedia

The main character, Matthias, is faced with protecting Redwall Abbey, and all who live in Mossflower woods, from Cluny the Scourge. He meets so many different kinds of animals and each has their own way of talking.
I liked the way the moles spoke best! =)

Right now I'm working on reading another book from the redwall series, Rakkety Tam.
So I'll probably have another post like this again soon. =)

So, for the lack of posting I apologize but, school comes first. Then chores. And reading or blogging (generally "goofing off"). =)

What about you? Have you read any good books lately?

In Christ,
Miss Bea

**Note** Some of the words Cluny's horde used (in Redwall) were not ones I personally would use. Just so you are aware, if you happen to pick up this book, they are evil rats and they talk differently then those from Redwall Abbey (if you get my point). I wouldn't call it swearing necessarily but some of the names they call each other are uncalled for.
As I said to my brother (who lent me the book) "Some of the things they say are...odd..." In other words, it's not a Christian book.

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