Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sweet Pussy Cats

Hi there everyone!
I hope you enjoy seeing my sweet pussy cats! :)

Gertrude: (The older of the two)

Age: 18-ish
Eye Color: Gold
Occupation: Momma kitty to her "kittens" (my family), Super cute alarm clock. :)
Likes: Food, sleeping in the sun, and attention.
Dislikes: Being held, baths, and Gunther

Gunther: (The younger of the two)

Look at that face!

Age: 6 yrs. old
Eye Color: Green
Occupation: Macho scared-y cat and wanna be outdoor kitty. :P
Likes: Popsicles, purring and being held.
Dislikes: Baths, rain and bananas.

Ship Captain: "I tawt I taw a putty tat."
Tweety: "You did! You did tee a putty tat!" ~ Looney Tunes

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. ~ Philippians 4:4

I hope you all have a great week end! :)
In Christ,
Miss Bea


Haley said...

Awww... what cuties! Wow, and I thought Remy's old (he's our 14 year old outside cat)! Sam, our fat inside cat (he's two but looks like he's twelve), is like Gunther. He thinks he wants to be an outside cat, but really doesn't. ;) Thanks for sharing! :)

Love and hugs,

Miss Laurie said...

I LOVE our pussy cats! You have some great photos of them Bea! Especially of Gertrude, she's quite reluctant to have her picture taken, even though she's a beauty star! :)